renovation of residential building Nieuwe Plantage, Delft

In the 1970s, an extension was built over four floors next to the stately former home of director Waller of the yeast factory in Delft. The building was already in use as an office building in the meantime. The ground floor and first floor of the extension housed the caretaker's house, while the higher floors were used as an office and accessed from the adjacent building. The building has the status of a protected cityscape.

The current owner wants to transform the extension into one independent home over all floors. The complexity of the design mainly lies in finding a solution for the vertical access to all floors. By introducing a mezzanine, it is possible to cross from the entrance hall in the side aisle to the heart of the building with the central staircase. The difference in level of 80 cm on the ground floor between the front and the back is maintained, but shifted. The open kitchen is located in the low front part of the house and the living room is located on the raised part at the back. The current rather closed rear facade is broken open and the garden is linked to the living space via an extension.

renovation of residential building Nieuwe Plantage, Delft
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