
A new care concept based on the idea of small-scale living with personal attention and good care within a cozy environment.

Coöperatieve P.Bell & Friends en Aafje Francise bedenken en ontwikkelen nieuwe huisvestingsconcepten voor ouderen. Hierbij zoeken ze vooral bestaande locaties en woongebouwen waarbij aansluiting wordt gezocht bij de lokale sfeer en het aanwezige karakter.

The “Dienstbode” concept has been developed for people with needs for care and support. Within a familiar home environment they are able to keep control of their care needs. 

A meeting space is introduced at the existing locations which depending on the number of participants can variate in size per location. The space is managed by an entrepreneur, the “Dienstbode”, who can provide in demand his services to the residents. The cozy meeting space is mainly used for joint activities. For example, a large kitchen is always present in order to ensure that communal cooking and eating can be possible. 

A modular system has been devised for such a space of approximately 100m2 which could easily be incorporated in the various locations. These spaces should have a direct relationship with a garden or a terrace, and also be easily accessible location within the existing residential complex.

“Dienstbode”, Housing concept for elderly in existing residential buildings
Cooperative P.Bell & Friends
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