Olga Trancikova
Olga Trancikova completed her Master's degree at Delft University of Technology and the University of Bratislava. In addition, she studied temporarily at the University of Barcelona as part of an Erasmus exchange. Since 1995, she has worked as an urban designer at the Department of Urban Development + Social housing in Rotterdam, on various large and small-scale projects. In 2002, she worked for a year on the project Naar Zee! of the Spatial Planning Agency. Since then, sustainable, climate-proof development and restructuring in urban development have stolen her heart. This expertise was used in the Waterplan 2 project for Rotterdam. She worked together with environmental consultant Mansi Jasuja on research and design projects in this field in the Netherlands and abroad. The aim was to develop knowledge and promote awareness of the spatial consequences of climate change.
Olga heeft daarnaast veel ervaring in verbouw-projecten voor particulieren.